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Helping you get the right talent on-time every-time

Talent Turbo is a distributed talent aggregation and recruitment-as-a-service platform. We have Uberized the talent sourcing and screening process. Our data driven workflow is massively scalable, partner driven, accountable and effective. We simplify recruitment and make it collaborative, and scalable.


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Permission Based Sharing

The platform is scalable and accommodates multiple clients posting varied job orders simultaneously.

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The Talent Turbo platform offers a trust-based secure network for clients to connect with candidates for an effective...

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GIG Economy Based Screening

The Talent Turbo platform offers work flexibility for interviewers. Aggregated interviewers can dedicate time...

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The platform is scalable and accommodates multiple clients posting varied job orders simultaneously.

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The platform is scalable and accommodates multiple clients posting varied job orders simultaneously.

Rewards / Benefits

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    Monetization Ecosystem
    Clients get easy access to verified candidates, matched to their requirements.
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    Benefits for Interviewers
    Interviewers who verify and screen candidates, are remunerated for their participation.
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    Referral Benefits
    Talent Turbo's transparent and data driven work flow includes assured payout mechanisms for those who refer candidates.
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    Pay per screening
    All the participants work at their own convenience. Interviewers are renumerated for each screening

About us

Talent Turbo is a distributed talent aggregation and recruitment-as-a-service platform. We have Uberized the talent sourcing and screening process. Our data driven workflow is massively scalable, partner driven, accountable and effective. We simplify recruitment and make it collaborative, and scalable.

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